Albert Einstein for Kids Lesson Plan


Albert Einstein is the subject for this weeks lesson plan for the Smorgasbord free homeschool curriculum.

Albert makes a great person for kids to study for the week. You can take this in all sorts of directions - his private life, physics, geography and history. The purpose of the lesson is to make a box that contains items that would have been significant or personal to Albert Einstein.


Review the resources and lesson plan.

Make a list of items that would have some personal significance to Albert Einstein. Eg.
    Flags of places he had visited.
    A watch to represent time being the 4th dimension.
    Wedding rings.
    The rock Einsteinium (no. 99 on the periodic table) which was named after him. We couldn't actually get hold of any so we painted a rock red to represent it!
    A nobel prize (ours was made from clay!).

You also need a shoebox and some craft supplies.

Albert Einstein Lesson Plan

Day 1 - Explain that this week you will be studying the life of Albert Einstein. You will be making a box that contains items that would have been personal to him - a memory box for him. Ask the kids to do some research about Albert and find 3 items (each) that they think should be in the box. For example, because Albert was married twice we thought that there should be two wedding rings included.

Kids Writing Lesson Plan Book

Day 2 - Decorate your box and make/find the first set of items. For example we used clay to make and paint the two wedding rings.
Day 3 - Give the children a list of extra items to go in the box. Ask them to research why they are significant to him.
Day 4 - Make the new items to go in the box.
Day 5 - Finish off any crafts or research and then do a Show and Tell about the box to review.

Further Help and Resources

This lesson was inspired by Einsteins Suitcase from Enrichment4You - and this would be a big help for this week.

Otherwise, there are lots of free resources for kids information about Einstein.

  • Lots of ideas of things to make to put in your box from HomeschoolShare

  • Mini Unit Study.

  • Make Einstein's toy.

  • For Teenagers
  • Free Lesson Plan about Einstein's work for grades 9-12.

  • Free Physics course from the Open University.

  • Stanford course on Einstein's Theory.

  • We really enjoyed looking at Einstein's life. We probably didn't pick up much physics, but we all learnt lots about the man himself.

    PS. If you live in Norfolk, UK (like me) then you may be interested to know that Einstein spent some time in a hut near Cromer!

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    Comments for Albert Einstein for Kids Lesson Plan

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    Thank you
    by: Elisabeth

    This is such a wonderful find! You have gone to great lengths to put this all together. When times are tight financially, finding gems like this are fantastic. I look forward to following along as you continue to add to the already very dense and vast ideas in Smorgasborg. (I love the name too, so fitting!) Thank you hardly says enough. May God bless and multiply your efforts...

    Julie says Wow, thanks Elisabeth. I am really thrilled you find them useful.

    Dr Smorgasbord
    by: Rachael

    I've spent good money on books about Montessori and Steiner, looking for some manner of philosophy & structure for my home ed efforts - all along i should have been here... I love this idea. Thanks for sharing your work!

    Aww - thanks. I love that people like the Smorgasbord idea. Julie.

    by: Petra

    Hi - I've been following your fabulous blog this year (my first year homeschooling my 11 year old son) and I just wanted to say how inspiring it is, particularly the Smorgasbord idea - right up my alley! Thanks heaps from Queensland, Australia.

    Thank you Petra! So glad to have you reading the blog. Best wishes, Julie

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