Homeschool Newsletter

Fuel the Fire

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When you have inspired your children and got them passionate about learning, you need to keep interested.

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Every month my newsletter Fuel the Fire contains a months worth of homeschool ideas to keep your learners happy!

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What people are saying about my Newsletter

Donna, Canada
I just started working my way through Aprils newsletter. It is terrific. I can not wait to try the Banana DNA and have already done the optical illusion dragon. Very neat. Keep up the great work

I just wanted to say how inspiring your newsletter was this month. I can't wait to go explore all your creative ideas! Thanks so much for finding all these great resources!

Thank you again for your fantastic newsletter! It is absolute inspiration every month. I look forward to receiving it in my inbox each month, and often go back to the archives to find something I have not already explored. Thank you for all your hard work and research to make the rest of us have more creative, inspired homeschools!!

I love this newsletter. I have been searching through the links for days. Please keep them coming. I checked out one of your "free" links and have already saved $20 between the price of the book and shipping. Who in their right mind would not want to read your great newsletter?

Helen, Kaikoura, New Zealand.
That was my first news letter from you - thank you so much - it is fantastic - what more could I ask for - good on you & well done.

Nina, Scotland
I have just received your first newsletter after hours of surfing the net for help, and I just have to say a huge Thank You for taking time to do this for other homeschooling mums!

WOW! Thank you so much for all of your efforts. This was my first newsletter and I am blown away by the amount of content and the quality of everything you do. I am so excited to do these things with my children. Thank you and God Bless.

Paula in UK
Oh Julie, what a WONDERFUL news letter! It must take you ages to think up and then write down all this stuff. Thank you so much for sharing all this! I will recommend to every home educator I know.

Just read the first homeschool newsletter. It is awesome. You have so many great ideas that we will be trying out. Thanks for your hard work, and keep them coming.
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Oh my goodness! I am a home schooling mum of 4 and I have NEVER found a better site! Thank you so much.
Blessings, Jenny (New Zealand)

I wanted to say THANK YOU for your fabulous website. I found your website, and finally I have the confidence to take the plunge and take my daughter out of school and educate her at home, thank you, thank you.
Marina (UK)

I cannot get over how much great information and super ideas you have here. Fantastic!
Ruralmama (USA)

This is simply fabulous!! I just now found this site and I'm so excited!! The opportunities and suggestions as well as the need to inspire are exactly what I have been searching to fulfill!! I'm so thrilled to get started and even more excited to continue to explore all of the fabulous suggestions and creative ideas you have offered here!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Jennifer (USA)

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