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Providing it is legal in your country, then you can do it. In fact, you have been doing it already.
Look at how much your child knows already - how to talk, to walk, to dress themselves - not to mention knowing how to get what they want from you!
You have been a major part of your child's life since they were born.
Everyday you have helped them along the path in exploring their world and learning new things.
Homeschooling is just more of the same.
Often we worry in homeschooling that our children will not learn the things they need to learn. But you have PROVED you can do this.
If you want an answer to 'Can I do homeschooling?', then you need look no further than your own child. If they have developed and learnt since they were born - you have your answer!
Here is what Thomas Armstrong says about it
Dad is down on his hands and knees next to the bathtub helping his young son blow the largest possible soap bubbles. Grandma is in the den with a group of kids leading a storytelling session. Mother is out in the garage helping sister put the finishing touches on a handcrafted table.
The healthy family learns through a vital interaction with new experiences. It turns the ordinary into the extraordinary by seeing the creative possibilities inherent within everyday life."
Thomas Armstrong, Awaking your Child's Natural Genius
Learning takes place all around you, you only need to help your child take advantage of the opportunities available.
In John Holt's book, Teach Your Own, he says
First of all, they have to like them, enjoy their company, their physical presence, their energy, foolishness and passion. They have to enjoy all their talk and questions and enjoy equally trying to answer those questions. They have to think of their children as friends, indeed very close friends, have to feel happier when they are near and miss them when they are away. They have to trust them as people, respect their fragile dignity, treat them with courtesy, take them seriously. They have to feel in their own hearts some of their children's wonder, curiosity and exitement about the world. And they have to have enough confidence in themselves, scepticism about experts, and willingness to be different from most people, to take on themselves the responsibility for their children's learning.
But that is about all the parents need."
My view on this - I don't think you have to be like the parent above ALL THE TIME.
I don't always enjoy my children. Sometimes they argue, or are difficult, and I just wish they would go away. I don't always enjoy trying to answer their questions - especially when they have already asked me 127 that day! Sometimes I have days when I still wonder "Can I DO homeschooling?"
But I do ON THE WHOLE enjoy having them around.
The benefits of homeschooling have far outweighed our bad days. And if you really don't like your children at the moment, you may find a period of deschooling works wonders.
So in answer to your question 'Can I do Homeschooling?" my answer would be - Yes. The experts are in agreement.
And if I can, then anyone can!
Just starting out?
Wondering how to really get started? Here is my advice on how to start homeschooling your child.
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