Free Educational Podcasts
Education from your ipod!
When the children both got ipods, I began to look for some way to use this technology for a bit of sneaky homeschooling. I soon discovered that there are some wonderful resources available - if you know where to look!
Educational podcasts are a wonderful way of homeschooling for free.

As well as podcasts, I have included some other mp3 type resources. Here are some of our favorite listens:
Video Podcasts
- Science Experiments from the Sporran Really great science video podcasts. We thought these were fun to watch - and easy enough to try the experiments yourself.
- The Wild Classroom do great video podcasts for EcoGeeks. Short but fun - the children really liked these.
- Is all about Math is a Math Video podcast. It is meant for kids but I found it really heavy going.
- National Geographic Podcasts. At the moment they are only listing Dog Whisperer video podcasts but may be worth checking back later.
- Bookwink. A video book review podcast for children.
- Podiobooks have free serialized audiobooks that you can download on a schedule.
Learn out Loud have free audio downloads for kids. This is a great place to find educational podcasts for adults too!
- Childrens Podcast Bedtime stories (for younger children).
More Podcasts
- The Puffin Podcast Puffin Books podcast of book extracts and author interviews.
- The BBC have a number of different podcasts. Their childrens podcasts can be found here.
- History According to Bob Fun history podcasts. See Archives for a listing of past shows.
- Historical Podcasts Huge listing of historical podcasts.
- KidsCast is not being produced anymore - but at the bottom of the page is a link to his science fiction (family friendly) podcasts.
If you are happy to listen online at your PC then try:
Enjoy your listening! If you find any other great free educational podcasts then I would love to hear from you. For more ideas for using your MP3 player - check out my
Educational iPod Ideas.
Homeschool Freebies
Free Educational Podcasts
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