Free Homeschooling Resources
I am using this page to show you some great free homeschooling resources that we have used and enjoyed. I will be adding to this page, so do check back later. And also look at my other
Homeschool Freebies
Tape Measures and Rulers
Can you ever find a measuring tape when you need one? I can't!! And it is usually right in the middle of some math project - and you know - it was RIGHT THERE until I lost it!!!

But finally - a solution! Printable paper rulers.
This site has got lots of them - one foot rulers, metersticks, yardsticks.
Worth remembering next time you are desperate to measure something!
Online Human Anatomy
Visible Body is an online interactive 3D model of the human body. The model is highly detailed and anatomically accurate - and includes skeletal, digestive and muscular systems (among others). It would be great for studying biology, physiology, or anatomy.
You have to register to get access, and loading can take a little time - but is very interesting and informative.
Homeschooling Science
This isnt for the faint hearted!!
Froguts is a ‘virtual dissection’ CD. Check out the demo section - and if you can find anything more gross, I don’t want to know! As well as frogs you can disect owl pellets.
Make your own comic

Have you ever wanted to make your own comic? Thats what we have been looking at lately (its a great way to encourage children to read and write!).
I found several ways to make online comics. The first is from
Makebeliefscomix. This one is aimed specifically at children, and you can print or email your finished version. It was also interesting trying to create a ’storyboard’ in only three steps!
Two other sites I found were (site currently not working) and
Pixton but these are not aimed at children so some of the humour was a bit adult - watch out if you are letting your children look at other peoples examples.
home school ideas why not try to make your comic in another language? Or make a comic based on your current project? You may also enjoy
your story ideas.
Homeschooling Freebies
Free Homeschooling Resources
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