Halloween Activities for Kids
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Halloween Activities for Kids
Halloween has become a tradition in our household, in that we tend to do the same halloween activities each year.
There is something very satisfying about re-visiting a craft you have been doing since the children were small!
This year we began early! The children were bemused! 'But it isn't Halloween yet!' they said.
'No' I agreed - 'but I need the pictures for my website!!'
I hope you have as much fun with these ideas as we do.
Halloween Craft Ideas
Every year make some ‘apple head witches’. My friend put me onto this one (thank you, friend!).
Instructions for Apple Head Witches
Carefully peel an apple and carve a face into it (eye-sockets, nose and mouth). It’s better if you exaggerate the features and make them quite deep. We usually poke cloves in to act as eyes.
Make your witch a hat out of black paper. We usually push a skewer into the apple to make a body - and wrap a pipe cleaner around for arms. Then we fasten cloth around the skewer with an elastic band to make a dress.
Now - sit back and over the next week or so,
watch your beautiful apple head witch become shrunken and hideous!!
Halloween Stick Dolls
Stick dolls are easy to make and give great results. They would be nice to use as gifts, or just for decoration.
Use the
instructions for making the dolls, but use orange and black yarn.
You could use these as 'bodies' for your apple head witches!
Halloween Slime
Halloween slime making always goes down well!!
For little people a mix or cornflour, water and food coloring gives a good yucky experience.
For older children you can make a revolting mix from Borax and PVA glue. Here is my favourite
Silly Putty Recipe including the science behind it.
Hand Shadows
Remember doing hand shadows when you were a kid?
Making hand-shadows is a great Halloween activity. You need a strong torch, a dark room and a clear wall. If you have more space then hang a sheet in the centre of the room with the torch behind it. Then the 'performer' can work between the sheet and the torch - with the audience out front.
I have a free book for you with hand shadow ideas in it. Just click on the book picture to download it.
Pumpkin Carving
Yes - I realise this isn't the most original idea ever!!!
BUT.. Did you know you could get patterns!!
The Pumkin Lady provides free patterns (scroll down to find them) that you can print, and use as a template when carving.
And after halloween?
A time lapse photography film would be a perfect use for that pumpkin you have carved after halloween is over.
Looking for some books about pumpkins? There are some lovely ones on my
children's halloween books page.
Homeschooling Tips
Of course, Halloween is also a great time to sneak in a little homeschooling too! Try out these ideas.
Math - If you have The Multiplication Tables: Colouring Book

I recommend on my Homeschooling Math page, then the 5x table from book one is a toad, and the 5x table from Book 2

is a bat!
Some recommended e-books
Having a party? Try these invites.
More Homeschooling Ideas
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