Homeschool Mnemonics

Visual Mnemonic Resources 

I have found that using homeschool mnemonics, particularly visual mnemonics is something that can really help my children learn and remember. I even have a page about some ways we have used them!

There are a lot of resources around that can make learning fun and easy using this great method of memory recall - and I have compiled a list for you! 

Homeschool Learning

For a good general book for young learners, we liked I before E (except after C). It covers all kinds of acronyms, acrostics and rhymes for lots of different topics.

Times Tables

I have moved these to my maths page.


The top 20 misspelled words with mnemonics.

Funwithwords have got several mnemonic ideas. 

More spelling mnemonics here.

TES have some free Mnemonic posters - you have to sign up to download them.

TreeTopDisplays have 9 A4 sheets available to download (low cost)


  • Vocabulary Cartoons Amazon UK by Sam Burchers. There is also a volume II of this book.
  • Languages

  • Linkword Languages have a software and audio course for learning several languages. There is a free online demonstration. The software replaced the books of the same name but some are still available second hand:

    Hope that gives you some good ways to start!

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