Getting frustrated with run-of-the-mill worksheets that don't make your child think? There are some wonderful, creative worksheets around - and now you don't have to spend ages tracking them down.
Here are the top worksheets to challenge and inspire your child!
CIMT Codes and Ciphers
The Centre for Innovation in Mathematics has worked with Bletchley Park National Codes Centre to produce these worksheets and lesson plans. As well as worksheets for the student, there are teacher lesson plans to help you along.
MentalFloss Under the Sea
This great worksheet get you researching details of 8 sunken ships and plotting their estimated position on a world map. This was fun and also required some geography skills - the answer sheet can be found here.
I will add more inspiring worksheets as I find them. Meanwhile, why not check out more free homeschooling worksheets.
Do you Homeschool? Get creative. Ditch the curriculum for a time and try some new ideas. This website is all about great projects and creative activities you can use in your homeschool. Click the button below now to get inspired!
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Oh my goodness! I am a home schooling mum of 4 and I have NEVER found a better site! Thank you so much.
Blessings, Jenny (New Zealand)
I wanted to say THANK YOU for your fabulous website. I found your website, and finally I have the confidence to take the plunge and take my daughter out of school and educate her at home, thank you, thank you. Marina (UK)
I cannot get over how much great information and super ideas you have here. Fantastic! Ruralmama (USA)
This is simply fabulous!! I just now found this site and I'm so excited!! The opportunities and suggestions as well as the need to inspire are exactly what I have been searching to fulfill!! I'm so thrilled to get started and even more excited to continue to explore all of the fabulous suggestions and creative ideas you have offered here!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Jennifer (USA)