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Setting up homeschooling goals is an interesting exercise that will make you really think about what 'education' and homeschooling means to you.
It is an excellent thing to do when you Start Homeschooling, and can help you have a more successful homeschool experience.
Big Picture Goals
By thinking long term, you will be able to determine what knowledge and skills you feel it is essential you child has - not just in order to function well in their future careers, but to function well in life.
Do you feel your child needs to be 'well educated'? What does that mean to you? Which other skills would they need to have? What other homeschooling goals to you have for your children?
For example:
Jo, homeschool parent, in the book Creative Homeschooling for Gifted Children by Lisa Rivero
When looking at the big picture you are trying to see what the future may hold for your child and use that as your guide to providing an education.
Whilst you may hope your child enters a university, at some point they will need skills to enter the workforce, or make a living themselves. Although it is impossible to predict the future, we can make guesses about the type of skills our children will need .
On a general level, children are going to need to be able to do some of the following:
The skills required by businesses are changing - and homeschoolers are in a fantastic position to help their children develop the new skills that will be needed.
In the book, A Whole New Mind, it says
instead, workers will need
Which means that choosing to develop our childrens creativity and ability to think for themselves, is going to be great for them in the future.
Short Term Homeschooling Goals
When you have determined the big picture, you can then begin to break up your homeschooling goals into smaller managable pieces that you can do on a day-to-day basis.
For example, if you feel it is essential that they develop reasoning skills, then you can begin to look for games, books and puzzles that will help them develop these. Detective stories, rubiks cubes and Cluedo may be some of the resources that you can begin to introduce. And of course, doing scientific experiments such as a water experiment every day for a month.
Being able to express themselves? Hold debates about different subjects. Introduce them to English from the Roots Up to build up vocabulary.
Need the ability to learn new things? Introduce them to mind maps and mnemonics.
Homeschooling goals are about helping your child develop into a well rounded person.
And once you are clear about what that means to you, you can be clear about the resources and methods you need to follow through.
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