Home >> Homeschool High School >> Homeschooling High School Advantages
Moving to high school feels like a decision point! A time to review your child's education.
Many homeschooling parents worry that they won't be able to teach their children what they need. And parents of children at school may wonder if they have really been doing the right thing.
So what are the advantages of homeschooling teenagers through their high school years?
Deciding to homeschool a high school student carries all the same pros and cons of homeschooling of any age. There is good and bad about both teaching your children at home - and sending them to school.
But what specific advantages are there for older students? As Mary Griffith says in The Unschooling Handbook
Homeschooling your teen can make them more independent and self-reliant - and helps them to take responsibility for their own learning experiences.
Because you don't have to educate your teenager in a 'traditional' school way, it opens up the possible educational opportunities to be virtually unlimited. There are many high school homeschooling ideas that you can use to learn new things in your homeschool.
And even if you decide to follow the traditional route, then you will probably find that your teenager is more focused and can get through their work faster - leaving them more time to follow their own interests and passions.
I will leave the final words to the Bears' Guide to Earning Degrees Nontraditionally
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