Welcome to the eighty-fourth issue of Fuel the Fire.
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Welcome to the 84th edition of Fuel the Fire.
How was your summer? I hope it was fun-packed with a lot of lovely memories.
I was BUSY!! First the children had exams, then my daughter went to Gothenberg, then she caught pneumonia! She is doing fine and I am off to Corfu for the week for some downtime :)
Have a good month, and I will see you again in October!
Looking for some inspiration? I have got some fabulous e-books available in store.
In amongst all the busyness, I revamped my favorite two ebooks!
The Best Homeschool Yet and Teenage Planners are now UNDATED so you can use your download over and over again - and start any month you wish.
The Amazon versions aren't done yet - I will let you know when they are up.
Ready to have your best homeschool year yet?
Brainstorm and plan for a fabulous year of educational fun.
Do you want to inspire your teenager to take responsibility for their own learning this year?
The You Only Live Once Workbook, Planner and Calendar is designed to help you do exactly that!
Sunday September 11th is International Rock Flipping Day. A day to go flip over a rock and record what you see. Here is what the originator says about it:
...we pick a day for everybody to go outside — go as far as you have to — and flip over a rock (or two, or three). We could bring our cameras and take photos, film, sketch, paint, or write descriptions of whatever we find. It could be fun for the whole family!"
If you need more details then check out this page here or head over to their Facebook page.
I thought it would be fun if we all participated. You can post your photos to my Facebook page - or send them to me and I will post them for you.
So! Go pick yourself a rock. I would be interested to hear what you find.
I am really enjoying sharing with you some of my favorite books. It is fun to pull them off my bookshelf and revisit them :)
This month I decided to share some of the wonderful art books we have used over our years of homeschooling.
So here are my top 50 kids art books to inspire you. Grab a coffee and enjoy!
One book I forgot to mention in that article is Framed by Frank Cotterell Boyce.
The story is of 'the last boy' left in a small Welsh village. When the National Gallery in London has to move all its paintings into the mine at the top of the mountain (because of a flood), there is an amazing impact on the whole village. (If you have seen the TV version of this, please don't let it put you off. It was nothing like the book).
We thought this was a wonderful book and I loved how it introduced artwork to the children. It made great listening for all the family.
We were lucky enough to be able to visit the National Gallery to look up the paintings the book mentions. If that isn't possible for you, then you will find them all at the National Gallery
I have had so much fun in the past setting up themed play corners for the children. We started small with little 'home' areas but over the years have built rainforests, spaceships and even a minecraft corner :)
Why not give it a try too.
Find out more : Themed Play Corners.
I think this was one of the first pages I had on my site - and I still love the idea :)
Create an ideas daybook to keep together all your ideas and inspiration. Then you will be ready for anything :)
Combine some geography and art by making your own yarn painting.
Wondering what sort of projects to pull together for the fall?
As part of the page, I have pulled together some autumn images for you to use for lapbooks or other fall projects.
Be sure to look out for the next issue on 6th October 2016. If you can't wait, then you can find a more regular injection of ideas on:
Go to Homeschooling-Ideas Home Page